VENA Box / Lux recuperators

VENA Box / Lux recuperators

VENA Box / Lux recuperators:

  • air handling unit is installed separately for each room to be embedded in the external wall (VENA Lux), as an air handling unit suspended on the internal or external wall, e.g. on the balcony (VENA Box),
  • an independent ventilation system with heat recovery, providing controlled air exchange in the flat,
  • 85-92% heat recovery,
  • capacity: 160 m3/h, 180 m3/h,
  • standard: energy efficient EC-type fans and control system,
  • small size of the air handling unit, version embedded in the wall does not tak up an additional usable area.
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SymbolMax. recommended performance


Heat exchange surface




External static pressure


Power consumption


Max. electricity consumption





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